CSE 130 Computer Programming

Taught: Fall 2004, Winter 2005, Winter 2006

Oakland University, Michigan, USA
Oakland University, Michigan, USA


This course introduces Visual Basic.NET which has become the tool of choice for developing user-friendly applications in today’s business world. Visual Basic represents the state of the art in basic programming that enables you to take full control of Microsoft’s best-selling Windows applications. Visual Basic.NET brings the language into the internet age by incorporating the .NET framework. This course assumes no  prior programming experience, it includes the following pedagogical features:

  • Explains the fundamentals of accurate and modern programming methodology using the elements of Windows graphical user interface.

  • Explains thoroughly the concept of strings, procedures, repetitions, arrays, and sequential files.

  • Introduces additional controls and objects such as List Boxes, Combo Boxes, and File Opening Control.

  • Provides many projects and examples  that are useful for students and professionals.



David I. Schneider, An Introduction to Programming using Visual Basic.NET, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2002.


Course Materials

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9