Guest Editor, Editorial Board Member and Reviewer


Upcoming: Special Issue of Cognitive Systems Research Journal published by Elsevier: “Deep Machine Learning for Intelligent Big Data Management”

Guest Editors: Djamel Bouchaffra (Lead), Jenny Zhang, Diane Beck, and Jaouad Boumhidi.

Special Issue of Pattern Recognition Journal published by Elsevier: “Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning Models for Change Detection”

Guest Editors: Djamel Bouchaffra (Lead), Mohamed Cheriet, Jean Marc Jodoin, and Diane Beck, Vol. 48, Issue 3, March 2015.


Special Issue of the Pattern Recognition Journal (Elsevier),  titled: “Feature Generation and Machine Learning for Robust Multimodal Biometrics”

Guest Editors: Djamel Bouchaffra (Lead) and Abbes Amira, Vol. 41/3, 2008.

Special Issue in Advances in Artificial Intelligence Journal (Hindawi), titled: Machine Learning Paradigms for Modeling Spatial and Temporal Information in Multimedia Data Mining”, Guest Editors: D. Bouchaffra (Lead)  Professor Ce Zhu, Dr. C. S. Chen, Professor  and Dr. A. Amira, March 2011.

The Proceedings of the 1999 International Conference on Imaging Science, Systems, and Technology, Editor: H. R. Arabnia, Associate Editors: F. Ahmed, D. Bouchaffra, L. A. Costa, J. T. Favata, R. M. Haralick, Q. Ji, Y. Mun, and M. Sarfraz, Computer Science Research, Education, and Applications Tech. (CSREA) Press, USA, (1999), ISBN: 1-892512-19-X.